Sell Nano Proof of Work

Nano PoW

Nano currency uses mathemetical proof of works as a rate-limiter to prevent spam. You can't mine Nano, but you can sell GPU capacity to in exchange for Nano.

0. Pre-requisites

  • Ubuntu 18+
  • GPU(s)
  • Avg. PoW in under 5 seconds.

Window & Mac (M1) guide soon.

# OpenCL, GCC & Build Tools
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc build-essential -y

# Rust
curl -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Nano Vanity
cargo install nano-vanity

1. Install PoW Worker

cd ~/
git clone
cd nano-work-server
cargo build --release

Setup Cron

# crontab -e
@reboot ~/nano-work-server/target/release/nano-work-server --cpu-threads 4

Adjut --cpu-threads to your needs.

With GPU

@reboot ~/nano-work-server/target/release/nano-work-server --gpu 0:0

Adjust --gpu to each local device id. Setting up GPUs on Linux is not easy. Don't feel bad if you struggle.

2. Install PoW Proxy

cd ~/
git clone
cd nano-pow-proxy
npm install

Create config file

nano .env

Kinda funny how the Ubuntu editor 'nano' shares the coin name. Edit nano with nano.

Paste configs from below.


NAME=Esteban's GPU 💪🏽

Please change the SECRET to something long, and secure.


  • PORT: Can be any number between 1000 - 9999
  • SECRET: Lock communication between your node and First Nano Bank.
  • GPU: Enable GPU. Make sure the Worker is running in the background.
  • VANITY_PATH: Path to where you installed Nano Vanity, if it's not working out of the box.

3. Run it

node index.js

If you see http://localhost:[PORT] printed on the screen. All is well.

4. Run it 24/7

npm install -g pm2
pm2 start index.js --name nano-pow-proxy
pm2 startup
pm2 save

5. Have a beer 🍺

Job well done. You'll start to see payments every hour.

Post your experience on, or Tweet us @nano2dev